
Subject Information Overview

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Area Staff
Exam information for GCSE
qualifications in this Subject Area


Curriculum Area Staff

Kathryn Lee (CAL MFL)
Ana Brigido-Sanchez

Alison Haigh
Rebecca Harwood (ITT & New Staff Co-ordinator)

Should you require more information about this subject area please contact:

Name: Mrs K Lee
Position: Curriculum Area Leader


Curriculum Information

In Spanish we believe that all students should have the opportunity to develop linguistic and cultural knowledge that will enable them to explore and thrive in the world beyond their everyday experience. In their social lives, their travels and for some, their future working lives, we want our students to be able to communicate with confidence with other Spanish speakers, and gain the language-learning strategies that will encourage them to study other languages in due course.

Throughout the curriculum, students will develop their skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening to Spanish. The curriculum will provide a sound knowledge of key grammatical structures and vocabulary that will enable students to manipulate language, for practical and creative purposes.

Currently in year 7 pupils learn how to talk about themselves, others, and the world around them, with a strong focus on grammar, phonics and vocabulary that has been chosen specifically for its frequency rather than simply for its topical relevance. Through this approach pupils are able to manipulate language with more confidence and adapt it more readily than if a topic-driven approach were to be taken.

Y8s and 9s currently still follow a more topic-based approach, however grammar is very much at the core of the curriculum, with a regular phonics focus. Topics in Y8 include free time, home, and region, allowing pupils to develop their ability to express and explain opinions relating to their hobbies and where they live, in the past, present and future time frames.

In Y9 pupils build on their knowledge from Y7 and 8 to talk about themselves, their relationships with others, their interests and healthy lifestyles, in more depth and with greater complexity. Pupils also learn how to talk about holidays and travel in the past, present and future time frames, developing real-life skills in terms of language they may need to book accommodation and eat out in restaurants. Pupils find out about foods from different Hispanic countries as well as festivals that are celebrated across the Hispanic world.

As they move towards their GCSE studies, students will gain increasing confidence in expressing their ideas and thoughts in another language, as they find ways of communicating what they want to say, with a significant focus on discussion and questioning. Topics such as shopping and holidays throughout the course will provide opportunities for students to communicate for practical purposes. As students increase in fluency and spontaneity, they will also continually improve the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation. Alongside their spoken language, students will develop the skills to write at varying lengths, for different purposes and audiences, using the grammatical structures they have learnt at each stage, and using an increasingly complex vocabulary.

The curriculum also fosters the pupils’ curiosity and deepening understanding of the diverse world around them, including that of Hispanic culture.



Below is a summary overview of the topics and their content that will be studied in each term by each year group. For more information about each topic, get your child to visit learning journeys and resources on the school online learning platform - Ready Steady Learn.

Year Group Terms 1 - 3 Terms 4 - 6

VAMOS (Autumn and Spring terms)

  • Describing location
  • Describing state / mood
  • Describing traits
  • Asking ‘yes’/ ‘no’ questions
  • Talking about what people have
  • Talking about what people do
  • Talking about what people don’t do or have
  • Numbers/ talking about more than one thing
  • Talking about what there is around us and describing it
  • Talking about the location of things
  • Describing a place
  • Talking about what we give and want
  • Phonics:
  • (o/a/e/i/u/l/ll/ci/ce/cu/ca/co/z/que/qui/ga/go/gu/j/n/ñ/)



  • estar (singular forms)
  • ser (singular forms)
  • tener (singular forms)
  • concept of gender (o/a endings)
  • indefinite articles (singular and plural)
  • forming plural nouns
  • regular ‘ar’ verbs - (singular forms)
  • use of ‘no’ to form negative
  • hay with singular and plural indefinite articles
  • difference between ‘es’ and ‘son’
  • adjectival agreement
  • definite article singular and plural
  • ‘Dar’ and ‘Querer’ in singular forms

EN CAMINO (Summer term)

  • Talking about family
  • Describing what exists and what places have (Natural wonders
  • if the Spanish-speaking world)
  • Asking and answering questions
  • Talking about what you and other people do (Rural life)
  • Talking about the specific location of things
  • Talking about what people are like today vs in general
  • Describing activities in relation to travel
  • Working with a challenging text (poem)



  • Consolidation and revisiting of Term 1 and 2 grammar
  • Tener in plural forms
  • order of nouns and adjectives
  • Hacer in the singular forms
  • Question words with agreement
  • Estar in the plural forms
  • Ser in 1st person singular
  • Regular ‘ar’ verbs in 3rd person plural
  • Poder in 1st person singular
Assessment details

Progress assessment 1 (Achievement)

Progress assessment 2  (Achievement and Application)

Progress assessment 3 (Achievement and Application)


MI TIEMPO LIBRE – MY FREE TIME (Half terms 1 to 3)

  • Discussing hobbies and sports (opinions and when we do them)
  • Discussing use of mobile phones and technologies
  • Discussing activities in the future tense
  • Phonics:
  • (r/rrl/ll/ci/ce/cu/ca/co/z/v/b/qui/ge/j/n/ñ/)



  • present tense – regular – all forms
  • present tense - key irregular verbs
  • jugar +al
  • opinions plus the infinitive
  • frequency phrases
  • ‘para’ + infinitive
  • immediate future tense ( ‘I’ form only)
  • preterite – regular – all forms and common irregular
  • adjectival agreement
  • connectives
  • immediate future in all forms

DONDE VIVO - WHERE I LIVE (Half terms 4 to 6)

  • Talking about nationality and country
  • Describing house and home
  • Describing town and area
  • Discussing weather
  • Discussing activities in the past, present and future in relation to home, town and region



  • Consolidation and revisiting of grammar from ‘Mi tiempo libre’
  • ‘Ser’ in different forms + de
  • use of ‘hay’ and ‘tiene’ to describe what there is or what something has
  • prepositions to describe location
  • noun and adjective word order differences
  • difference between ‘ser’ and ‘estar’
  • difference between definite and indefinite articles
  • ‘se puede’ +infinitive
  • complex structures ‘me gustaría’ and ‘si pudiera’
  • use of ‘hace’ when describing the weather
  • ‘cuando’ and ‘si’ +present tense
  • preterite formation -regular and irregular verbs
Assessment details

40 word assessment;  Progress test 1 (Achievement)

Progress test 2 (Achievement and Application)

40/90 word task; Progress test 3 (Achievement and Application)


TODO SOBRE MI – ALL ABOUT ME (Half terms 1 to 4)

  • Describing self (physical and character)
  • Describing family including comparisons
  • Discussing relationships with others using complex structures
  • Describing an ideal partner
  • Discussing free time activities including opinions
  • Discussing Hispanic music
  • Discussing free times activities in the past
  • Discussing healthy lifestyles (daily routine/ diet) - present and future


  • ‘ser’ and ‘tener’ in all forms
  • noun/ adjective word order differences
  • adjectival agreement
    comparatives (‘más’ /’menos’/ ‘tan’)
  • connectives
  • frequency adverbs
  • negatives
  • conditional ‘sería’ / ‘tendría’
  • preterite formation - regular and common irregular (all forms)
  • opinions in past and future + infinitive
  • definite vs indefinite article
  • reflexive verbs in present tense
  • simple future tense (all forms)

LOS VIAJES – TRAVELLING (Half terms 5 to 6)

  • Discussing holidays (countries/ transport - opinions)
  • Discussing holiday activities in past
  • Giving complex opinions in past tense about holidays
  • Understanding more about Spanish culture and travel
  • Discussing weather in the present and past
  • Holiday transactions – accommodation
  • Describing accommodation in past
  • Being able to write about holidays in 3 times frames
  • Food and eating out in HIspanic countries
  • Discussing customs and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries



  • ‘ir’ in 3 time frames
  • comparatives
  • complex opinion structures in present and past
  • ‘ir’ and ‘ser’ in preterite (most common persons)
  • question words and question formation
  • sequencers
  • ‘si’ / ‘cuando’ clauses
  • recognising and using 3 time frames
  • imperfect (‘era’/ ‘tenía’ / ‘estaba’)
  • conditional ‘me gustaría’
  • subjunctive ‘ quisiera’
Assessment details

40 wd task; Progress test 1 (Application); 90 wd task; End of unit assessment (Achievement and Application)

90 wd task;  End of unit assessment (Achievement and application)


DONDE VIVO – WHERE I LIVE (Half terms 1 to 3 (approx)

  • Discussing places in town (what there is / what can do)
  • Describing location - ser and estar
  • Discussing good and bad aspects of town/ region
  • Describing and comparing town / region in past
  • Discussing how would improve our towns
  • Describing a visit in the past
  • Describing a visit in the future
  • Responding to photo-card style questions
  • Role -play - giving and asking for directions
  • Forming and understanding questions
  • Role-play - shopping transactions (including use of larger numbers and shopping for clothes)


  • hay vs tiene
  • indefinite vs definite articles
    ser vs estar - description / location
  • comparatives
  • basic superlatives
  • demasiado / mucho
  • complex opinion structures (e.g lo bueno es que…)
  • complex negatives
  • se puede + infinitive
  • al vs a la / del vs de la
  • tan vs tanto
  • adjectival agreement
  • question words and question formation
  • demonstrative adjectives
  • direct object pronouns
  • imperfect (era/había/ tenía)
  • preterite revision
  • conditional (mainly third person singular)
  • subjunctive - si fuera posible
  • future tenses - simple future

MI VIDA ESCOLAR – MY SCHOOL LIFE (Half terms 4 and 5)

  • Discussing subjects
  • Comparing British and Spanish school systems
  • Describing school facilities – comparison past and current
  • Discussing teachers
  • Discussing schools rules
  • Discussing life at school (bullying/ exam stress etc)
  • Discussing ideal school



  • Complex opinions revisited
  • comparatives revisited
  • adjectival agreement revisited
  • superlatives - more complex
  • imperfect revisited (description)
  • complex negatives revisited
  • key modal verb: deber
  • tener que / hay que / está prohibido/ se permite etc +infinitive
  • conditional revision - focus on all forms


MI TIEMPO LIBRE – MY FREE TIME (Half term 6 and continued into Y11 Half term 1)

  • Discussing sports across different time frames
  • Discussing what usually do and what used to do
  • Discussing pocket money
  • Developing photocard response skills
  • Discussing use of technologies
  • Discussing TV - opinions and comparisons
  • Discussing cinema - pros / cons
  • Discussing what ‘have done’
  • Discussing musical instruments and musical genres



  • use of 3 times frames - consolidation
  • desde hace
    ‘soler’ +infinitive - present and imperfect
  • question formation - revisited
  • ‘para’ + infinitive revision
  • gustar - correct use
  • comparatives / superlatives revision
  • adjectival agreement revisited
  • acabar de + infinitive
  • muchos / ciertos / varios / todos / demasiados
  • direct object pronouns
  • perfect tense
Assessment details

Progress test 1; 90 word task ; Progress test 2; 

End of unit assessment

90 / 150 word task

GCSE mock in all skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking)


MI TIEMPO LIBRE - MY FREE TIME completed from Y10 (Half term 1)


  • Discussing jobs that people do
  • Discussing part-time jobs including what usually do and have to do and did in past
  • Discussing work experience
  • Discussing future plans
  • Discussing importance of languages
  • Discussing taking a gap year
  • Role-play practice



  • 3 time frames revisited
  • adjective endings relating to jobs
  • tener que + infinitive
  • soler + infinitive
  • preterite vs imperfect
  • ‘si’ + present + future
  • direct object pronoun ‘te’
  • imperfect subjunctive


  • Discussing where live (Dónde vivo revisited)
  • Discussing how town has changed
  • Discussing other global issues such as poverty and homelessness
  • Discussing healthy lifestyles / healthy diet/ changing bad habits
  • Discussing environmental issues and solutions
  • Discussing social issues and volunteering


  • 3 time frames revisited
  • adjectival agreement revisited
  • comparatives
  • more complex negatives
  • using ‘ser’ and ‘estar’
  • verb phrases followed by infinitive
  • si + present + future
  • connectives
  • opinions in 3 time frames + infinitive
  • receptive use of perfect tense
  • desde hace + present tense
  • quantifiers including tantos
  • se debería / hay que / dejar de
  • perfect tense (receptive only Foundation)
  • subjunctive in more depth (Higher)


REPASO - REVISION (Half term 4 to 5)

  • Revision of topic from Y9 to Y11, including key vocabulary, key grammatical structures.
  • Preparation for exam - skills practice in relation to 3 themes
Assessment details

90/ 150 word task;

November GCSE mock exams covering all 4 skills

February GCSE mock in listening, reading and writing.

GCSE final speaking exam April (25%)

GCSE final listening, reading and writing exams May-June (75%).




A Knowledge Rich Curriculum at Selby High School

Research around memory suggests that if knowledge is studied once and not revisited or revised, it is not stored in the long-term memory.  This means that after one lesson, or revising for one test, the knowledge will not be retained unless it is studied again.  It won’t be recalled unless it is revisited frequently, which will embed it in the long term memory.  In the long term this makes recall far easier.  As part of home learning, students should be revising what they have been taught recently but also content they were taught previously.  Therefore as part of our strategy to embed learning over time we have started to develop knowledge organisers across all year groups and curriculum areas. These will provide key content and knowledge  allowing students to pre-learn and re-learn, a vital part of processing all the information required to be successful in the new style GCSE’s.

Instructions for using your knowledge organisers

KS3 = Years 7, 8 & 9
KS4 = Years 10 & 11

Below are the knowledge organisers for each topic in this subject.  These knowledge organisers will become embedded in the Learning Journeys for each topic as they are created on Ready Steady Learn.


Year 7
Module 1 - Vamos

Module 2 - En Camino


Year 8
Mi tiempo libre
Dónde vivo

Key verbs in context
Photo cards chatty mat
Room 101 alternative vocab
AQA Vocabulary Lists
Theme 1: Identity & Culture
Theme 2: Local, national, international & global areas of interest
Theme 3: Current & future study & employment


Year 9
Todo sobre mí
Los Viajes


Year 10
Dónde vivo

El instituto
El Tiempo Libre


Year 11
El trabajo y el futuro
Nuestro planeta


Remote Writing Help
Typing foreign characters

Exam information for GSCE qualifications in this subject area

Click each link below to view the full specification:

AQA Spanish (8698):

  • 25% Listening
  • 25% Speaking
  • 25% Reading
  • 25% Writing
  • Theme 1: Identity and culture
  • Theme 2: Local, national and global areas of interest
  • Theme 3: Current and future study and employment